How Can I Upgrade My Locs This Year?

How Can I Upgrade My Locs This Year?

It’s time to get out that pen and paper, if you haven’t already, and write down all of the ways your going to improve your locs and your inner self. Every year we say to ourselves, “I should make a list like this more frequently,” or “Why haven’t I been doing these things all year long?” This year we’re going to help inspire that list in case you’re having a brain freeze after all that celebrating.

Add Dry or Wet Brushing to Your Routine

If you’ve been wondering whether or not you should start brushing your locs simply give it a try. Dry brushing your locs before you shampoo will help shed any build-up or residue accumulating on the surface or within the locs. Wet brushing your locs after moisturizing your locs will help hydrate your locs and prevent your locs from looking and feeling brittle. Brushing your locs is highly recommended on mature locs. Brushing locs during the baby phase is not suggested. Don’t forget to take deep breaths of gratitude and tranquility at various points throughout your day.

Keep it Regular

Try to be as consistent as possible. Take this tip as far as you want, being consistent is not only ideal for your locs, but for your overall lifestyle. Getting into a routine that works for you can help improve your productivity and will make your efforts feel concrete and less abstract and forgetful. When it comes to locs, your locs love to be taken care of routinely. Stick to your washing schedule that works best for your locs and try not to wash them too soon or too late, and know when to re-twist. Overdoing it, on both the washing and re-twisting end will cause breakage and thinning by the roots.

Practice Mindful Night Care

If you don’t already have a satin scarf for the nighttime, now is your moment. It will drastically improve the condition of your locs. Pay attention to the way you treat your locs, rather than rushing through the maintenance care to finally drop into bed. We should be mindful with all of the things we do, but it’s not always easy to stay grounded and present. Try to slow yourself down and see how a new pace may improve your overall mood.

Treat Yourself and Your Locs

Treat yourself and your locs. You can treat your locs to a hot oil treatment once a month, or every few months, and you can most certainly treat your scalp to a nice massage. Stimulate your roots for happy growth. All it takes is 5 minutes once a day to achieve healthy new growth and total relaxation. Feel free to treat yourself to the spa once a month, or go for long walks once a week and enjoy the recreation.

Try a New Look

There are countless awesome and safe loc looks out there. If you find yourself getting tired with your style, try wearing your locs in a full bun, or half bun. You can go for the long pony look, or half up look. For those of us who want to take the big plunge, try cutting your locs into a new style, or even daring for bangs. Either way you go, don’t forget to remind yourself how awesome you are and these external changes are only there as an, often necessary, superficial boost. Stay true to yourself and make sure to take care of yourself this year before you put yourself out there for others.

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